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Crypto Mining Vs. Crypto Trading. Which is More Profitable?

As a newbie or a long-time crypto enthusiast, it is evident that trading crypto can be profitable. However, crypto is always volatile, so traders will always search for alternative ways to leverage their stay in the space. One such way is through mining. Miners are vital to the crypto ecosystem.

This article gives insight into whether crypto mining or trading is better.

What is Crypto Mining?

Mining mainly occurs on the blockchain, a process that creates new units of a virtual token. Consequently, they then enter circulation on the market. Crypto mining describes how transactions are confirmed on the network and is a critical element in blockchain operations.


I like to think of it as people buying Wonka bars to find the Golden Ticket. Everybody who works on securing the blockchain is trying to find some unknown number that achieves a desired result when combined with a number from the blockchain. The first person to find it wins the rewards (transaction fees + new coins).

The more numbers you try, the better your chances of finding the unique number before anyone else. The protocol adjusts automatically: as more people work on finding the magic number, the harder it becomes to find.

So, mining is kind of like blending food. If you blend some food, you get a unique output: some mush. It is effortless to make this much. However, taking the mush and recreating the food you started with is tough.

Mining is like finding a particular type of mush (or output). You need to blend many different things and get different types of mush, and once your mush matches what you're looking for, you have been successful.

Is Crypto mining Still Profitable?

The most crucial factor to consider and answer this question is that mining is and can be profitable. However, crypto mining becomes profitable depending on different factors:

  • Efficient equipment

  • Energy costs

  • Block reward and mining difficulty

  • Token choice

While an individual with a mining rig is unlikely to pull much profit, the same cannot be said for specialized groups or companies. Most mining nowadays has fallen to professional operations such as mining pools. A mining pool is a group of individuals who "pool" their computational resources for the mining process.

As such, in a mining pool, the probability of finding a block is much higher, and if the process is successful, the profits are divided among members.

Is Crypto Mining More Profitable Compared to Trading Crypto?

Cryptocurrency trading is a way to make money by buying and selling cryptocurrency. Crypto traders perform trades on the exchange and earn income from rate fluctuations. The cryptocurrency is purchased at a low price (on a dump or light decline) and sold when the value increases.

Is it better to mine or trade cryptocurrency?

Unfortunately, there is no clear-cut answer, as different setups can accommodate different expectations.

Crypto trading is far more accessible and is a good place for newbies to begin. With a few taps on your mobile phone, you can quickly enter the world of crypto trading. And while crypto trading can be volatile, some things can help traders mitigate the risks, such as automated crypto trading.

If you would like to make quick profits off digital tokens despite the risk, this might be a viable path, especially if you start with fewer funds to get accustomed to crypto trading.

On the other hand, crypto mining requires a significant commitment right from the start (although it can have its long-term rewards). It also requires expensive hardware, moderately-priced software, and higher levels of expertise and endurance. Simply put, it is nowhere near as flexible as crypto trading.

Final Thoughts

In the end, what matters are your goals and what resources you have at your disposal. Both crypto trading and crypto mining are essential parts of the crypto ecosystem. Whatever your inclinations, both can be viable, profitable options for individual traders, but there are vital considerations to consider when deliberating on either path.

As always, do your own research and never risk more than you can afford to lose.

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