Elon Musk recently took to Twitter to share a post, "X ❤️ Doges". A few minutes earlier, Elon had shared a post with his son playing with popular dog breeds. A few minutes before that, Elon had shared another post about the Vikings.
Therefore the sequence of the tweets are :
X playing with Floki.
X ❤️ Doges
Elon has a habit of tweeting before dog token moons. Last time, Elon shared an image resembling Floki Inu and Shiba Inu, after which, the coins mooned.
Even after a crypto pyramid scheme lawsuit, Elon still continues to exercise freedom of free speech. Buying Twitter will help him a lot; Twizzlers (Twitter + Tesla)!
Let's dive in to Elon Tweets.
Do Elon Tweets Mean Doge is Bullish? What do the Tweets by Elon Musk mean?
Yesterday, 1 August 2022, Elon shared about three tweets with the same message.
Tweet 1 : "X ❤️ Doge"
Elon named his first son X. Going through a psychology article, you will see that people have patterns when creating or naming things, especially scientists. Therefore, X is of significance to Elon Musk. Even PayPal's first name was X.com. The son's name is "X Ash A Twelve ''. There is also TeslaX.
This means that Elon will not just wake up and use X in a tweet casually. Elon loves symbolism. Even though Elon was showing love for his son, he was also sharing information.
Notice too that he did not use dog; instead he used "Doges". To translate this, "X ❤️ Doges" simply means that "TeslaX loves Dogecoins".
Early in 2020, Elon shared a tweet saying that it will use Dogecoin as the first crypto on the moon. Therefore, this might be the year. Dogecoin might moon this coming months.
Tweet 2: X and Elon after Watching Endless Episodes of Vikings
Go to Google and type "Floki". Press enter. What comes up? "Floki and Vikings?".
Now search, "Did the Vikings Keep Dogs?" The first response you get is "The Vikings kept dogs and cats as pets". Now click images, what do you see? Do you see breeds of dogs resembling Shiba Inu? Yes!
What is the name of Elon Musk's dog? "Floki?". Yes! That's right! He bought the dog in 2021, and the dog is now fully grown. This might be a bullish sign for Floki Inu. It might symbolize that Floki will grow and moon.
What does Floki Mean? Go to Google and type " the meaning of Floki". Yes! What do you find? "In Norse Baby Names, the meaning of Floki is A Heroic Viking".
Who are the Vikings? The Vikings are a group of people who lived as pirates in the 8th and 11th centuries. The people are from a Scandinavian race who travelled the seas and attacked parts of southern and northern Europe. Even I do not understand why Elon Musk loves the Vikings except for he loves freedom. I do not think the meaning of the Vikings is significant here.
Tweet 3 : X Playing with Floki
Elon shares a video of X playing with a breed of dogs, commonly Shiba Inu. I fail to know the breed of the little dog in the video, if you know, please comment below.
What is the name of Elon's Dog? "Floki". What's the breed of the dog? A Shiba Inu. (Even I did not know that Floki is not a dog breed😂, until the time of writing this article). The whole idea behind Floki Inu dog currency is because Elon's dog is called Floki.
Findings From Elon Musk Tweets
Dogecoin seems very bullish. So does Floki Inu. Get $10 USD. Go to Binance and buy $Doge. Get another $10 USD, go to Binance and buy $Floki. Buy $Shiba Inu too.
My probable guess is that this bullish season might go to either Doge or Floki, or both. The last tweet Elon Musk shared was about Doge, something he has made a habit. He usually shares the exact coin before it moons.
Well, put on your seat belts, buy and hold the two coins. Hold tight as the market moons. We might as well land on the moon and become crypto Cillionaires this year. Happy Staking!