What is Web 3? Web 3 is an evolution of the internet from Web 1 to Web 2.0 and now to Web 3.0.Technologies like the internet are all Web 2.0 technologies. Web 1.0 was simply web pages of the internet, HTML, URLs and https. Web 1.0 had read only content before evolving to Web 2.0. More user-generated content led to creation of Web 2.0 in 2004 due to the popularity of the internet. Web 2.0 led to the creation of social media apps such as Facebook and, twitter, blogs, and podcasts. Web 3 is an evolution of Web 2 with the only difference being that users create applications with that others can interact and publish content using. It put emphasis on back end and decentralization. Web 2 has control of a central authority.
1. Polkadot (DOT): $7.5 billion
Open source blockchain platform
Provides interoperability and interconnectivity between blockchains.
Enables secure chains to freely exchange messages and perform transactions.
Code : DOT
Language : RUST
Developers : Soramitsu, Parity Technologies, Chainsafe.
Uniqueness : Allows for the transfer of data and not only tokens.
Founder : Gavin Wood.
Year founded : 2016
2. Chainlink (LINK): $3.2 billion
Year : Created in 2014 but launched in 2017.
Founders : Steve Ellis and Nazarov Sergy.
What is Chainlink: Open source crypto middleware that enables non-blockchain platforms to connect securely with Blockchain platforms.
Leading provider for open source oracle solutions.
Example: Connects Ethereum Smart Contracts with Stock Prices.
Uniqueness: Bridges gap between crypto and non-crypto currencies. Ability to allow smart Contracts, which mimic financial agreements.
Partnership with large corporations i.e. Google Cloud and Swift.
Terminology: Oracles, LINK tokens and Nodes.
3. Theta Network (THETA): $1.29 billion
Only end to end Blockchain infrastructure for video streaming.
Uniqueness: Provides a decentralized video delivery network at cheaper costs.
Set to disrupt video world like YouTube did in 2005
Founded : 2017
Founders : Mitch Liu and Jieyi Long
Note : Steve Chen, YouTube's co-founder is also Theta's Co-founder.
4. Filecoin (FLC): $1.29 billion
Files on a blockchain; The cloud on a Blockchain.
Open-source blockchain with an aim of using blockchain for file storage and retrieval
Creators : Protocols Labs
Built on top of : Interplanetary File System (IPFS); therefore, you can rent unused blockchain space.
Code : FIL
Founded : 2014
Initial release : 15 July 2014
Founder : Juan Bennet
Uniqueness : A crypto incentivized storage network built on IPFS, a new protocol to make the web safer, secure.
5. Helium (HLM): $1.27 billion
A people-powered network.
Largest decentralized Internet of Things (IoT) Network
Aim : Encourage users to set up 4G Wireless LAN Nodes (LoRaLAN) for IoT
LoRAN: Local Range Local Area Network i.e. receiver of aircraft and space signals between stations use LoRAN to communicate.
LoRaLAN : LoRa for LAN
Founders : Amir Haleem and Shawn Fanning
Uniqueness : Built wireless decentralized network for IoT devices, i.e. trackers and sensors.
6. The Graph (GRT): $772 million
Shows graphical data from several blockchains
Collects, Processes, Stores data from several blockchain applications for easy information retrieval.
Creates a Graph showing real-time information of blockchain, crypto coins, and the markets.
Easy information retrieval
Can act as a Search Engine for blockchain data from networks such as Filecoin and Ethereum
Token : GRT. You pay GRT to see subgraphs
Importance : You can convert subgraphs to a global graph of the world's public information.
7. BitTorent New (BTT): $742 million
BitTorrent on Blockchain
Original BitTorrent : A peer-to-peer filesharing system over the internet. Users can share large amounts of data, including whole movies series over the internet.
Analogy : I am in Kenya, I want to send a movie to my sister in US; she is too busy to download it. I create a software that enables direct sharing and call it BitTorrent.
8. Basic Attention Token (BAT): $579 million
Earn tokens for using a decentralized browser that gives you full anonymity. What more could you ask for?
BAT is a token for Brave Browser
The decentralized browser provides full anonymity online. Not even Google can track you.
Uniqueness : Browse as you Earn. Someone using the browser for two years has accumulated close to 700 worth USDT of BAT tokens.
Founder : Brendan Eich, Co-founder of Mozilla and FireFox.
Founded : 2017
9. Stacks (STX): $520 million
Stacks is the Ethereum (Smart Contracts) of Bitcoin
A hard fork of Bitcoin, copied Bitcoin's basic crypto technology
Built on Bitcoin
Uniqueness : Enables smart contracts for Bitcoin, something Bitcoin cannot do. Therefore developers can use Bitcoin for NFTs, Dapps and DeFi.
Founder : Muneeb Ali
Founded : 2019
10. Arweave (AR): $320 million
Definitely not the Mattress company lol. Its A-R-Weave, not A-I-R-Weave.
Okay, Arweave is a large hard drive on the internet.
People with extra computer disk space connect with others via Arweave and share the space to those who need extra space.
Uniqueness : Decentralization of the hard drive; a Decentralization Storage Network (DNS)
Provides permanent data storage over the internet
Founder: Sam Williams
Founded : 2017
Evolution of Web 3.0
The internet is evolving and now the latest technologies are about Web 4.0 and Web 5.0. Web 3 technologies are evolving too and will soon evolve to web 5.0. I am not quite sure what Web 4.0 and Web 5.0 constitute, but stay tuned for articles with the information. Thank you. The markets are still worse, however, to avoid FOMO , use Pionex. Find out more on Pionex here.